Peer learning
As a former executive director, I have always seen the value of peer support and understand how hard it can be to make time for in the day to day [...]
As a former executive director, I have always seen the value of peer support and understand how hard it can be to make time for in the day to day [...]
Powerful questions are often the key to finding our way forward. Identifying the questions that will work for your group, keeping them front and center on a regular basis, and [...]
Background/context Many of us have been leaders for a long time, but with a global pandemic, political and social upheaval and so much more, this period clearly feels and is [...]
Recently I had the opportunity to co-create, host and facilitate the annual workshop of Accountable Now. We used many of the approaches that we have developed through the Testing Change [...]
Since the pandemic went worldwide earlier this year, in addition to helping client groups navigate change, I have also been trying to follow discussions and trends that can provide helpful [...]
Time for learningLoyce Pace, CEO Global Health Council We are living through a worldwide health crisis, an economic crisis, a racial crisis and a crisis of democracy. Anyone of them [...]
As more meetings move online, it is a good time to share tips and resources on facilitating online meetings with each other. Although you may find that the current coronavirus [...]
One of the fun parts of being more ‘senior’ in one’s career is having the opportunity to share ‘lessons learned’ over the years. I had the opportunity to participate in [...]
Having worked with numerous organizations on not only developing their goals and designing their plans, but actually implementing them over time, I’ve come to appreciate the value of learning the [...]
The Testing Change project I founded and am managing had an in person gathering earlier this month. It was a great opportunity to really grapple with the concept of what [...]