Global Trends 2021
I periodically do a review of some global trends that may impact organizations I work with. Here is some of what I am seeing mid-2021. Uneven vaccination and recovery – [...]
I periodically do a review of some global trends that may impact organizations I work with. Here is some of what I am seeing mid-2021. Uneven vaccination and recovery – [...]
Powerful questions are often the key to finding our way forward. Identifying the questions that will work for your group, keeping them front and center on a regular basis, and [...]
Background/context Many of us have been leaders for a long time, but with a global pandemic, political and social upheaval and so much more, this period clearly feels and is [...]
Recently I had the opportunity to co-create, host and facilitate the annual workshop of Accountable Now. We used many of the approaches that we have developed through the Testing Change [...]
We’ve survived the first weeks… Phase 1, the high intensity, quick decision-making time is ending. Phase 2 is harder, it’s the endurance phase. It’s like moving from acute to chronic, [...]
Helping Babies Survive Although I am not a global health specialist, as a strategist, I have worked with many medical groups in the global health arena over the past 25 [...]
It is hard to believe we are already at the end of the decade (and that I’ve been blogging for a decade!) but here we are :) For my end [...]
Last week I participated in a discussion around some of the success factors for how organizations can engage and grow more effectively internationally. We reviewed a report entitled Association Global [...]
One of the fun parts of being more ‘senior’ in one’s career is having the opportunity to share ‘lessons learned’ over the years. I had the opportunity to participate in [...]
I’ve been leading an initiative that’s now going into its sixth year and have thus been thinking about some of our learning around long term change. Long term change for [...]