Adaptable organizations
We are indeed living in challenging times. The covid pandemic challenged us and our organizations in one way, the current change in the US administration is challenging us in [...]
We are indeed living in challenging times. The covid pandemic challenged us and our organizations in one way, the current change in the US administration is challenging us in [...]
For almost three decades! I have been writing about engaging internationally. There was a group of NGOs that were already operating internationally in the mid-1990’s (when this story starts [...]
I’ve been reflecting a lot on leadership recently. As a former executive director and now facilitating peer cohorts of executive directors, I’ve been thinking about what’s changed in leadership approaches [...]
As many of you who have been readers of this blog know, I have written a number of times over the past years about the Civil Society and Testing [...]
Introduction One of the most rewarding parts of my work over the years has been helping to create and nurture multi-stakeholder efforts. Multi-stakeholder initiatives are voluntary partnerships between groups [...]
The Testing Change project is a global collaboration of organizations who set out to identify and test some new operational approaches that could help organizations stay relevant. We have thus [...]
Daffodils are known in some cultures for truth, trust, self-awareness and renewal I have been doing a lot of listening over the early part of 2022 (through virtual [...]
Many fluent English speakers may have heard this expression “Practice Makes Perfect" at some point. Most of our organizations and projects are of course not really going for ‘perfect’ but [...]
I haven’t done an end of the year blog post in a number of years now, but there is something about this year that feels like it merits marking its [...]
Readers of this blog will know that for the past few years I have written about a project I founded and manage called the Testing Change project. The Testing Change [...]