Co-creating a new type of organization
How we conceive of organizations is changing. What we have come to know as NGOs, nonprofits, charities and civil society organizations are being re-envisioned as concepts like social enterprise have [...]
How we conceive of organizations is changing. What we have come to know as NGOs, nonprofits, charities and civil society organizations are being re-envisioned as concepts like social enterprise have [...]
I have been working for many years on issues surrounding international growth and outreach, and Scaling or Scale up. I have periodically posted different aspects of this work, but I [...]
Perhaps like many of you, I work with a number of multinational Boards and other working groups. Historically they have either met in person, or via conference call. Recently I [...]
I don’t much like labels – perhaps because the work I do has never fallen neatly into any available labels. But one label I was recently given, I do quite [...]
The good folks at are starting a peer coaching program for the international development community. That got me thinking recently about mentoring. One of my earliest mentors advised me [...]
The blog I wrote quickly in October of 2010 “What Makes Someone Inspirational?” has turned out to be my most ‘searched for’ and read blog post. I am also an [...]
Earlier this year I wrote about ‘awareness raising campaigns'. Although the 7 Billionth Person mark is not an awareness raising campaign per se, it has many of the same characteristics. [...]
What does it take to have more effective international dialogue? Incorporate diverse and marginalized voices? Communication to be effective needs to be two way [See "Words that Communicate"]. Even in [...]
As we’ve been working to bring about significant social change, alleviate poverty, and face other challenges over the past few decades, we’ve separated ourselves into silos. We refer to: Non-governmental [...]
I often write about a spectrum of international engagement as illustrated here - from organizations that just ‘dabble’ in the international arena to organizations that operate globally. I try to [...]